Feeding Advice For New Cory's!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 19, 2008
Reaction score
York, UK
Hi :)

I have 12 Cory Habrosus arriving on Friday, there will be 6 in each of my tanks. I have some Hikari sinking algae wafers (about 1cm diameter, small ones) and the directions say to only fed what will be completely eaten in one day.

having never had cories before, how many wafers should i feed a day to them? Don't wanna overfeed!

Martha x
I stick an entire alage wafer in everynight (kingbritish) and dont seems to degrade rapidly but once its able to be eaten it goes fast :D
so give nice food at a nice pace.

I also supliment with BloodWorm and they go into a complete frenzy.

their main diet its TetraPrima sinking tablets small sized
I stick an entire alage wafer in everynight (kingbritish) and dont seems to degrade rapidly but once its able to be eaten it goes fast :D
so give nice food at a nice pace.

I also supliment with BloodWorm and they go into a complete frenzy.

their main diet its TetraPrima sinking tablets small sized

Yep they will have bloodworm, theyre going in my single big betta tanks, so when he gets it, ill make sure hes not a gredy guts and they get some to!
Hi marlie.

Grats on the nice corys!

Remember, they are omnivores. The algae wafers should be a small part of their diet. As ShoC stays, bloodworms are great but not as a staple.

I also use Nutrafin Max Sinking tablets, Hikari Sinking Wafers and frozen brine shrimp (they love these).

Nutritious variety is the key.

hi marlie

as cory_dad says your corys need a good diet to maintaine there health
a good sinking pellet ,frozen and live foods, tubafix even earth worms are a good nutritious food ,and flake
will provide the nutritious diet they need :good:
Ooh i just rechecked the package of the wafers and theyre not specifically algae wafers, theyre just 'hikari sinking wafers' (i was looking at some generic algae ones in the shop before i decided to get hikari) so hopefully that will help,

The bloodworm is very occasional, perhaps once a week? And i also put daphnia in from time to time, will also get some nutrafin max :)
Any good well balanced pellet of flake will work. My habrosus go crazy for the daphnia but its not all they will get from me. Because I use habrosus as cleanup crew in my endlers and my fry tanks, they get a fair amount of flake that the other fish miss and also get wafers and frozen treats. They are doing quite nicely on the combination. They are about the most active fish in the fry tank and seem able to keep the pace of the adult endlers so I think they are doing fine.
Roll on Friday! I cannot wait for these little guys to get here, they sound reeeeally fun!

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