Feeding Acf's Pinkie Mice? Anyone Done It?


Jan 14, 2007
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Colorado Springs, CO
Just wondering if anyone here has actually fed their ACF's pinkie mice in a long term diet? Wondering how things went, I know it had some about a week ago, downed 3 without a problem and has shown no ill effect but I'm sure its a more balanced diet then stupid pellets/goldfish. (He loves goldfish, but they are " junk fish " and I'm an opposer of feeding ACF's a strict pellet diet).. I have 200 frozen pinkies coming in sometime later this week ( for my snakes ), but I was planning on feeding them to my ACF regularly.
I'm sure it will be fine for them to eat those frozen mice, but it is always better to go dig up some fresh night crawlers and squeeze their waste out.
Nightcrawlers are mostly water and I'm pretty sure pinkies have more nutriotional value to them. Lol good thing, got in the pinkies today so far less pellets are needed! hooray stupid pellets go away now ! -_-
I'd be really nervous about doing this if I were you.

While land and semi-aquatic large frogs sometimes hunt small mammals and birds, there's no reason to think an ACF would eat mammal meat more than once or twice in their life. It might be too high in saturated fat, cholesterol, or other nutrients for the frogs, or else lacking in something essential.
We will have to see how a long term diet of pinks does with him, of course other foods will make their way into his life now and again such as fish/pellets.. Will be interesting to see what happens.

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