I have a 75 Gallon Planted tank, with several African Chiclids in it. I recently got an 8" Tire Track Eel. Everything went well for the first few days (feeding wise), until the eel found a nice little borrow to hide in. Now I'm worried that he's not getting enough food, because he comes out shortly after the lights go off. By that time all the other fish in the tank have cleaned everything up. I feed a mixture of Frozen Blood worms and dry food. I even tried putting extra food in when I see him come out after lights out, but the rest of the tank is still too active and devour the food before it hits bottom.
Any help would be appreciated,
I have a 75 Gallon Planted tank, with several African Chiclids in it. I recently got an 8" Tire Track Eel. Everything went well for the first few days (feeding wise), until the eel found a nice little borrow to hide in. Now I'm worried that he's not getting enough food, because he comes out shortly after the lights go off. By that time all the other fish in the tank have cleaned everything up. I feed a mixture of Frozen Blood worms and dry food. I even tried putting extra food in when I see him come out after lights out, but the rest of the tank is still too active and devour the food before it hits bottom.
Any help would be appreciated,