Feeding a Tire Track Eel


New Member
Jan 27, 2005
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I have a 75 Gallon Planted tank, with several African Chiclids in it. I recently got an 8" Tire Track Eel. Everything went well for the first few days (feeding wise), until the eel found a nice little borrow to hide in. Now I'm worried that he's not getting enough food, because he comes out shortly after the lights go off. By that time all the other fish in the tank have cleaned everything up. I feed a mixture of Frozen Blood worms and dry food. I even tried putting extra food in when I see him come out after lights out, but the rest of the tank is still too active and devour the food before it hits bottom.

Any help would be appreciated,


hand feed him :) i hand feed my bfs eel and he is realy gental and has never gotten hold of our fingers..also try feeding mussels and shrimp. it might take a few trys but he will soon trust you..only down side is u get a wet arm..:)
candy said:
hand feed him :) i hand feed my bfs eel and he is realy gental and has never gotten hold of our fingers..also try feeding mussels and shrimp. it might take a few trys but he will soon trust you..only down side is u get a wet arm..:)
I'd echo that my fire eel and tyre track both hand feed but they did that from start which is a lucky thing for me cos I've had a couple of eels in past that wouldn't eat and its frustrating
I'm sure they will learn that he has to come out o feed earlier.

my smaller tyre track eel has, even takes food from my americans cihclids mouths ever now and then.

remember that he can get to alot of places that the other fish can't aswell.

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