hey...i recently bought a bristlenose catfish round 4cm....previously, i give my bn wardley spirulina discs but the problem is that my gourami and tiger barbs eat it before the bn actually sees it....sometimes when the lights are out and only a fraction of light coming from a nearby lamp luminates the tank, i see the tb and gourami still at it...i have found that my tb and gourami dislike cucumber so i boil a couple of slices (for it to sink) and leave it overnight...im not sure if its the bn that eats a bit of the cucumber or the other fish??? The other slice of cucumber was left untouched for some reason... i find that the centre of the other cucumber slice is missing so i assume something ate it but not sure which one???...Is there any other food besides spriulina discs the bn could have as a daily diet??? and is there a method any of you use for feeding your bn's certain foods (preparation of certain vegetables, feeding times etc)???
Thankyou in advance...
Thankyou in advance...