Feeder Fish

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RIP Dear nan 22/03/1925 --11/03/2009
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
Devon - UK
guppys 1week fry to 12 week juveys in devon
pm me if interested
Seeing that your location is the UK, you might find this of some use:

The feeding of live fish comes under section 4 Animal Welfare Act.

Pet fish are the owners responsibility and they have a duty of care to the fish. They are legally obligated to provide housing, diet etc and are responsible for the fishes welfare.

The owner also has a duty that the fish does not suffer unnecessarily. The owner must protect the fish from disease, pain and injury.
Seeing that your location is the UK, you might find this of some use:

The feeding of live fish comes under section 4 Animal Welfare Act.

Pet fish are the owners responsibility and they have a duty of care to the fish. They are legally obligated to provide housing, diet etc and are responsible for the fishes welfare.

The owner also has a duty that the fish does not suffer unnecessarily. The owner must protect the fish from disease, pain and injury.

i so agree !!!!!!
I think its been debated before the legallity of feeder fish in the UK. I think the conclusion is that its not technically illegal, more of a grey area. Wish the search function was working then I could find the posts. If andywg or CFC see's this I'm pretty sure they will know.
Technically its illegal, although you would be very unlucky to get charged with it, but the end of the day its illegal aswell as the majority of people believing it to be morally unacceptable.
In the UK, the Animal Welfare Act 2006 prohibits deliberate and “unnecessary suffering” to animals, but contrary to widespread belief, it does not explicitly outlaw the feeding of live feeder fish to other fish. However, it does prohibit introducing two animals for the purpose of “fighting, wrestling or baiting”. [4] Nonetheless, the assumption is that a legal case could be made to class the use of feeder fish as a “fight” and though as-yet untried in the courts, the risk of such a prosecution has led many retailers and hobbyists simply to treat the use of feeder fish in the UK as illegal.

Taken from wikipedia so you might question the reliability but if I remember rightly the key words are 'unnecessary suffering'. Which is open to interpritation, some argue that the mass caught silversides/whitebait suffer more than feeder fish and the only difference in using frozen foods is that you are distanceing yourself from the means of production.

Note I am not condoning the use of feeder fish.
The thing is the animal welfare act applies to fish kept as pets and how their treated.Not fish youve bought frozen already, but fish youve bought live from a shop thats been sold to you with the intention of it being a pet, so in theory by giving them as feeders you are causing unecessary suffering.
i posted this in the predatory section as i know there is no flaming etc allowed
i also checked that it was not illegal before doing so - via a phone call to the rspca main head office - 45 mins wait to get through to the right person

i was informed that as long as you state the reason for selling or giving the fish away in the first place
ie they are buying them as a feeder fish and you are not selling them as pets to be used as feeder fish then no laws have been broken

i dont want to get rid of these as feeder fish but i just have far too many , i have not saved any fry (apart from purpose bred minnow fry) and cos i have a planted tank do the survival of the fittest routine .

I have tried to give this fish away as pets and some more aswell as platys are advertised in buy sell and swap on here , and have advertised in local free papers and free internet sites but no one wants them , i have contacted all my local lfs and they dont want them until they are at least 5 months old

i currently have over 70 small fry in a 30 ltr tank and the rest are mixed between my 54 ltre rekord and my rio 180 , i cannot add any to the aquaone as they will crossbreed with the limias
If i cant get them rehomed in the next 2 weeks they will have to be euthanised , so i thought it would be better to let them be food for someones fish if they needed them than have them euthanised and of no use to anyone .
I did have a forum member interested in some fish - as a pet but unfortunately he got fish from another source and no longer wants them
Don't want to get into a long debate, but its not illegal to use feeder fish. If the RSPCA even accepts their use then that shows how grey the law is.

Unnecesary suffering might be putting a 4" goldfish with a 6" oscar so that the goldfish gets beaten to death before eaten, or stays for half an hour in the oscars throat still breathing. Putting guppy fry in with a predatory fish (not even predatory, most fish will eat them) and they will most likely be killed instantly with the bite.
I was told that even though it is not illegal to use feeder fish, it is illegal to sell someone a fish if you know it is going to be used as a feeder fish?

Never really looked into it though so could be complete drivel.
I was told that even though it is not illegal to use feeder fish, it is illegal to sell someone a fish if you know it is going to be used as a feeder fish?

I think your on the right lines, as people say its quite a grey area but from what Ive always known is its illegal in some shape or form.
i dont use feeder fish .....
but i dont see what the problem is.. its nature - - this happens in the wild.....
+ ive never hear dof it being illegal -
as i said i did check with the RSPCA and they informed me that as long as the fish is being advertised as a feeder fish then it can be sold and used as a feeder fish but if it was being listed as a pet and knowingly being sold to be used as a feeder fish then thats illegal

anyway i did think that it wasn't going to turn into a full debate of the morals of feeding feeder fish being its in the predatory section and i did research the legality of it .

i think it would be best if mods removed/closed this post then and i will try and find another source wanting them for feeders (fish in the 30ltr tank) through other free ads

as i said i have another amount of fry listed for pets and if these go then i should have room to keep the ones that are in the 30ltr tank that need to go within 2 weeks
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