Fed to much


Fish Crazy
Jun 20, 2004
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NSW, Australia
I tend to stress out about unessecary things with my fish, but is it possible that my fishes stomachs have bloated due to over comsumption?

I recently bought some sinking pellets for my clown loaches. I put some flakes in and some pellets however the fish started to go for the pellets instead of the flakes. To prevent them from eating all the pellets I put more in in hope of having some left for the loaches. However the pellets swelled in the water and one was big enough for about 3 tetras.

A rather newbie screw up. I know Im probably over-reacting but some reasurrence and advice on the subject would make me feel better. :/

I hope I rid of this stress as I become more knowledgable with my fish. :S
Yes, it's quite possible that they ate too much, and/or are constipated :sick:

If their stomachs are still quite large tomorrow, try skipping a meal or two to see if that works.

Another possibility, although it is less likely to be the case, is that it is dropsy. With scaled fish, the scales are raised and the fish look like pinecones if viewed from above. Loaches, I believe, are scaleless fish, so I'm not sure how to identify dropsy -_-
Luckily its just the neons. They're greedy little buggers ;)

I better just make them fast tomorrow. An occasional fast is good for them right?
Don't worry, I did the same thing. When I got my first book on fish diseases, I kept going up to my dad and saying, "I think my fish has this disease! He has these symptoms..." and then the next week, I'd find a different disease that I thought my fish might have :lol:
Thats exactly what I did!

I read on the net about diseases and I thought my neons had neon tetra disease, then I thought there was something wrong with my clown loaches because they're gills were a bit red, and now I thought there was something wrong with my neons. :rolleyes:


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