Fish Crazy
I tend to stress out about unessecary things with my fish, but is it possible that my fishes stomachs have bloated due to over comsumption?
I recently bought some sinking pellets for my clown loaches. I put some flakes in and some pellets however the fish started to go for the pellets instead of the flakes. To prevent them from eating all the pellets I put more in in hope of having some left for the loaches. However the pellets swelled in the water and one was big enough for about 3 tetras.
A rather newbie screw up. I know Im probably over-reacting but some reasurrence and advice on the subject would make me feel better.
I hope I rid of this stress as I become more knowledgable with my fish.
I recently bought some sinking pellets for my clown loaches. I put some flakes in and some pellets however the fish started to go for the pellets instead of the flakes. To prevent them from eating all the pellets I put more in in hope of having some left for the loaches. However the pellets swelled in the water and one was big enough for about 3 tetras.
A rather newbie screw up. I know Im probably over-reacting but some reasurrence and advice on the subject would make me feel better.
I hope I rid of this stress as I become more knowledgable with my fish.