Featherfin Or Threadfin Rainbows


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2006
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Leeds W.Yorkshire
Hi my friend bought some of these fish the other week and I really like them! Does anyone have any information on them? They look like really nice fish! What ration should you keep the males to females? Would they be ok in with a Male betta? The reason I'm asking is that when my emerald eye rasboras die I would really like to get some to keep in with my betta! Also how long do they live?
Hi my friend bought some of these fish the other week and I really like them! Does anyone have any information on them? They look like really nice fish! What ration should you keep the males to females? Would they be ok in with a Male betta? The reason I'm asking is that when my emerald eye rasboras die I would really like to get some to keep in with my betta! Also how long do they live?
If you mean Iriatherina werneri, I haven't kept them and I know very little about them - but from what I've read, they need a very stable mature tank can be seen as "delicate". They do best in a species tank - and I would say are not compatible with bettas due to their colours and fins.
Hello Natsuko
I have five of these fish 2 male 3 female. I have had them for about 6 months. They like to be in groups and its good to have a few males so you can see how they display to each other. I have them with some other rainbow fish and some gourami’s with no problems. I agree with bloo that I don’t think bettas are good tank mates. They are in a planted tank and have found them to be quite a hardy fish.

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