Featherfin Catfish? (synodontis Eupterus)


Fish Fanatic
Jan 3, 2009
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Does anyone have any experience with them? I have read all i can find but just want to know anything else.
they are tough as old boots and grow to about 6inches. They can be kept on their own or in groups if the tank is big enough. They don't do much during the day but after dark they come out and play. They will eat virtually anything that is offered to them.
They are scaleless fish so if you have to treat the tank you should use a catfish safe medication or only use medications at half strength.
ok, well i was just wondering anything that i should know. I got him because he is with some other tough as nails fish :hey:
ok, well i was just wondering anything that i should know. I got him because he is with some other tough as nails fish :hey:

most fish leave them alone, however, they like their own territory if you have a lot of other bottom dwellers so i have noticed. mine is incredibly social, it is almost eerie, but it took about 6 months for him to get that way. also, they get big quick! mine went from about an inch and half to 7+ in 8 months or less. i travel for work and i swear every time i come home he is a little bit bigger.
I have one now which I don't [articularly want. Its my sons and its called Peter Parker butt was bought as an upside down, now its about 7 inches I guess its not one of those!!!
It eats everything in the tank which is detrimental to my plecs...

Information wise they are astrough as old boots has been said, they will get bigger than 6 inches and very full bodied. They will knock things like [[ants as they go round in a frenzy hoovering up food . Mine hangs out under a bogwood piece and as soon as food comes in hes off like a lounatic!!
my synodontis eupterus is about 7+ inch's. Quite social, sharing its floor space with 4 pictus cats and a burmese upside down cat with nothing more than a minor squabble. It does come out when food is preasant but seems quite shy when anyone approach's the the tank. They are very nice fish, its dorsal fin is about 3 inch long and same with tail.


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i just pick up 3 of these the other night. i thought my syno. ocellifers were dead because i moved everything around when i was cleaning and didnt see them. after i put the eupterus in and fed them one of the ocellifers reappeared. so far i like them more since they come out alot and i actually get to see them, i had the ocellifers for over a year and barely got to see them at all.
I bought a feather fin catfish approximately 8 weeks ago,when we got him he was around 3 quarters of an inch long he is now just over 5 inches long.

He is an absolutely brilliant and very entertaining character,he is house with blue,moonlight,golden and honey gouramis,flying foxes,clown loaches,silver shark,odessa barbs and a common plec.

He is very active but very peaceful,at feeding time he adapts a stealth mode,he will hide behind a rock or plant then bomb out pick up an algae wafer then swim around with it in his mouth as if he is please because he just stole it.
He loves to sneak up behind plec and startle him then steals the spot that plec was on.

I have noticed that in general his colours are quite dark but he lightens up drastically if i introduce a new fish or when i do my water changes and when lightened up he is absolutely stunning.

He also loves to parade across the front of the tank with his huge fin on full display when he sees anyone looking in the tank,hes a show off :good:

When i first got him he was very shy and it was around a month before i even saw him eat anything.

He is my favourite fish out of all of my tanks along with the crazy clown loaches.

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