Featherfin Catfish And Amano Shrimp


May 5, 2006
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Hi all :D

I have 2 featherfin catfish, 1 is quite large, and I want to get some amano shrimp. Do you think they will chow down on the shrimp? The only amano's I can find in my LFS are really small, less than 1".

EDIT: Already asked this in the Invertebrates section but thought perhap not many people also have catfish so thought it might be better here
my featherfin lives with some fish bout that size although I've heard they can he's never tried anything. lived with 5 platy and 1 guppy fry and never tried to eat them but then again they could swim away
I think they would be a meal and personally wouldnt do it. Why not just buy a few shrimp and see?
yeah, was thinking of just trying it but don't really want to spend hours trying to find them when they go missing, presumed dead lol! The tank is big with lots of hidey holes. Are amano's normally quite active?

Is there any other shrimps that might get a bit bigger and therefore not be fish food? I've got an armoured shrimp, which is awesome but painfully shy so we never see him!
Its weird, some people have shy amanos and others have active ones. As for bigger shrimp the armoured shrimp would be ok i think, he/shes got fans right?
Yes, my armoured shrimp (Shrimpy - how imaginative lol!) is a filter feeder. Thought someone had munched on him yesterday as we pulled out what looked like his legs from the tank. Then we found him and realised he had just molted and it was just his shell! LOL! He is really cool but just hides all the time. Gonna try a red LED at night to see if he will venture out then. Where he hides, you just see his little fan hands collecting bits from the water!

EDIT: Apparently they get quite big, about 15cm

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