Feather-fin Catfish


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Dec 12, 2007
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I have a Feather-Fin catfish that I got from my father about a year ago. He is about 2 1/2 years old. He is a joy to watch when he is having a fun day racing around the tank, swimming upside down, doing figure eights.
Does anyone know how big these fish get? I read that they usually get about 3 to 4 inches long. Well my boy is about 6 inches long and still seems to be growing. I have him in a 75 gallon tank with my foot long Tiger Oscar. Those two are the best of friends and have been together since they were babies.
If its a Featherfin Syno you mean, then 9-10" isnt unheard of ;)
I think that Featherfin catfish usually get about 6" to 7". Remember always to take care of your fish because it is part of your hobby.
I got mine about 6 months ago at 2.5" he/she is now a hefty 5.5" and growing! I was told upto 8" for adult size.

Mine goes NUTS for cockles!
ive heard they grow to 8'' average but LFS staff told me that they activly get to that size then slowly grow up to 18'' any one else heard of this?
i was under the impression they get to about 8 inches. mine is now 14 months old and is a hefty 6 inches that's. four inches growth in 9 months, it was a rescue fish.
They grow fast if feed right, Mine is about 5" atm but I have seen another around 7" which I might just buy from PAH
ive heard they grow to 8'' average but LFS staff told me that they activly get to that size then slowly grow up to 18'' any one else heard of this?

not sure about 18" but we had one off a customer that must have been at least 10" if not a little more,
Although i would still say that the majority will not exceed 8"
Mine currently vary between 6 and 9 inches. They're still growing although after the initial fast rowth they do proceed at a slower rate....thankfully! Can't afford to upgrade to a 200g just yet. :shout:

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