Anyways, new update: first of all you are both right: they are dusters. Thanks for the tips! Secondly, I thikn I have a coral!!! Now, let me attempt to describe what it looks like and you guys can tell me what you think.
IT almost looks like a pink.see-through spider. It has tentacles which seem to be moving on their own, not becasue of water flow. NOw, I didn't think it was a coral really until I entered the dark room housing the tank and suddenly turned on the tank lights. The thing was extended out and seemingly looking for food? As soon as the lights were on, it began to slowly sink back into itself. It is attatched to a rock.
1. Is it a coral?
2. If so, What kind is it?
3. Right now I only have normal fish tank lights. Do I need to buy the reef lights now to keep it alive?
4. If not a coral, what the heck is this cool thing?