Feast For My Oto?


Fish Addict
Sep 24, 2008
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Vancouver WA (US)
well I am looking at my 5 gallon tank with all the algae and while my Ghost shrimp have helped somewhat on the string algae I am wondering about the algae on the walls. I use to have two oto in the tank who took very good care of it but since then I have moved them into the 10 gallon. So what I am debating is this. What would happen if I moved the an oto into the 5 gallon for a day or 2 for a small feast? The tank parameters are the same in all my tank (in terms of Ph and temp, both the tanks are cycled as well). Now what I know people are thinking is that my puffer stress and or kill the little oto. I have made it a habit to watch the little puffer from the day I have gotten him and have run tests by introducing shrimp, frogs and so on in there with him and he has not bugged anything at all. I would of course watch for a few hours to make sure everything was fine but does it seem worth it to give my oto a feast?

Again, this is only a temp thing for a day or 2 and not permanent in anyway.
Providing you watch the puffer for any signs of aggression towards them, I see no reason why you shouldnt move them for a day to clean up, assuming this is brown algae we are talking about as thats the algae ottos like best.
i don't know why people say that otos will eat only brown algae, as i've seen them clear away green algae just as well.
Then I apologise, most of what Ive read on them (which admittedly isnt a great deal as they dont interest me) says they prefer brown. Sorry for the misinformation :blush:
Then I apologise, most of what Ive read on them (which admittedly isnt a great deal as they dont interest me) says they prefer brown. Sorry for the misinformation :blush:

Tis ok. I went to many LFS and they had green algae as well as brown in the tanks. They said they will eat either, but yea they do like that brown...lol
I introduced my otos when I had a nasty green algae coating all over my tank's glass. In less than 2 weeks, I could easily see the fish in my tank. I have no doubt that my otocinclus took care of the algae. I love these guys for being gentle with my other fish and still handling any algae that I have had problems with.
well I moved the oto out and now the algae is building up again, I am debating keeping 2 in there for good perhaps. My DP dosent mind them at all and they just have there constant feast. Now I know 1 is fine but have 4 total. Would it be possible to keep 2 in there for good with my DP? I think the shrimp where eaten by my DP since I no longer see them in a few days and I see no evidence of starving death since there are no pink bodies in there.

Also if I made my stocking like so:

5 Gallon:
2 Oto
1 DP

10 Gallon:
1 Molly
6 Molly Fry
2 Oto

would I have room for more bottom feeders in my 10 gallon or best to leave it be or add more oto? I sadly lost 1 oto in my 10 gallon so I think there isnt enough food (i add algae waffers often) for 5 of them. Could I add 4 Cory into there with the 2 oto and everyone else? No one sells Pygmy but I have access to Green (not emerald), Albino, Julli and maybe panda if I try.

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