Feamle Dwarf Gourami Scar

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Fish Addict
Apr 16, 2004
Reaction score
Perth, Western Australia
Yesterday I bought 1 male and 1 female Dwarf Gourami for my 10gal tank. So now I have:

3 peppered cories
2 otos
2 male guppy fry (2cm long, large enough not to be eaten)
2 dwarf gourami

Ever since yesterday I notice a scar along the left side of my feamle dwarf gourami really like right next to her gills, it starts about half a cm down from the top of her head. It's around 1cm long and half a cm tall. I don't know where she got this, mabye from the male? I mean whenever the male spots her, he goes of and starts swimming around her and everything. He also nips her but it never looked like he wanted to hurt her or anything.
It dosen't look to serious now, but just in case does any comments, ideas or clues to what is happening?
Ummm...ther is also another problem with my new Dwarf Gourami's they don't seem to be eating, is this normal for the first few days? Also they seem to like hiding a lot, under my Java Moss, behind my Amazon Sword and behind my filter. Is this normal too? Should I buy some more plants for better hiding spots?
Check your tank for ammonia, nitrate and nitrite. Make sure these levels are A-OK... They may just be getting used to the tank and your activity around it. It is quite possible that she was dammaged durring capture at the lfs or even in transport - just keep and eye on it and check to see if infection or fungus developes.

Yep my ammonia, nitrate and nitrite have been all checked before after I got the new fish. The levels are good.
So how long do you think it will take for the wounds to heal? She's pretty stressed right now, the scar, new tank and the male following her everywhere.

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