Fb Newts


Fish Fanatic
Feb 8, 2007
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Was thinking about getting a couple of fb newts, just need to know some info on them:-

Would a large leafy plant that came out the water be enough for them to be able to get to land and sit on the plant or would they need rocks??

How big do they usually get?

And finally would they get on with a betta?

It's been a while since I have kept fire bellies, but I do know that they should probably have a bit more than broad leaves, a little chunk of land made by some rocks are best, I kept them in a tank I made that was half H20 and half land... I used aquarium sealant and a custom cut piece of glass to make it and they did great, spending about 25% of the time on the land. They should do fine with a betta in the tank, I kept mine with guppies and they did ok, but would try to (and I'm sure they did) eat some of them. They only get about 4.5 inches long max if I remember right. hope that helps!

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