Fay - Please Keep Your Fingers Crossed For Her


Fish Herder
Apr 16, 2006
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Keighley, West Yorks, UK
We've had a little stray cat hanging around for a couple of weeks. She has an embedded collar under her "armpit" (the danger of elasticated collars on cats!!) and we reported her to the RSPCA a fortnight ago. They said they'd put me on the list for a visit, but never came. I had my accident and couldn't really check for her as much as I wanted - Baz kept an eye out but he's nearly blind so didn't spot her about again, although food left down for her was eaten and she was incredibly scared.

Well the night before last I was able to start properly looking around, hobbling about. She was there. She was now hugely pregnant too and smelled like rotting animals from the embedded collar. I put food down for her and tried our usual routine of trying to coax her inside. She let me touch the top of her head gently, as light as a feather. But she ran when the food was too far in for her to feel safe. :-( I phoned the RSPCA again, who again said they weren't able to help with a trap and that if I could catch her (by maybe grabbing her by the collar, she suggested?!?!?!) they would come and "deal" with her.

I rang around yesterday trying to get hold of a trap so we could catch her, thinking the RSPCA would fix her up and rehome her and her kittens if they made it. Every professional I spoke to begged me not to send her with the RSPCA, as they are currently full and would PTS without even trying to fix her (which is understandable I suppose, but I wasn't told this).

Luckily, the rescue we adopted Dodge and Grace through came to the rescue. They lent me a trap last night and were waiting at their base for a phonecall from us so they could rush her to the vets.

At 9pm, she turned up and we were ready. At 10pm we hadn't heard the trap go, so went out to check. It was peeing it down with rain and the food was gone, but the trap hadn't closed. We relaid the bait, and waited again. Still no clatter of trap, so at 11pm we set it again. At midnight, the food was gone, but the trap wasn't closed. The rain was really pouring down now, so I didn't hold out much hope, but then I saw her under next door's car - wet and sore and afraid. I put the last remnants of the tuna in the trap and sat in the hallway.

Within five minutes, she had set the trap off, and she was in. She was frightened but gentle, amazing considering how sore she was. She spent the night here and set off to Hawroth Cat Rescue this morning, but not before my daughter named her Fay, meaning "fairy". When she left she was beginning to show what a sweet cat she is, headbutting fingertips for a stroke. She is a lovely cat who is only frightened through the pain of her injuries and the confusion of being left to rot. :(

Sara from HCR has told me Fay will be put up on their blog on their website, but that for now it's touch and go if she will make it - and if she does, she will be in the vets for several days before going into a foster home to have her kittens (if they survive).

Please please please keep your fingers crossed for tiny little Fay - the cat with the teeniest little paws and the bravest little heart. :-(


And please consider supporting Haworth Cat Rescue in the amazing work they do:


I will update this when I hear any news.
Already an update from Sara:

The injury isn't as bad as it appears - it covers a big area but it isn't deep apart from in one tiny place so the vets think she will recover, albeit gradually (although hopefully the kits when they come should stop her from bothering with it too much). The vets are going to keep her in for a couple of nights so that they can gradually clean it, she should be back here on Saturday or maybe tomorrow night (needing cage rest).

We had a lovely cuddle at the vets - she snuggled up into my arms and burrowed down. The collar was cut out and was pretty stinky, but I've kept it for identification purposes.

She's a little love, though hissing at the vets due to being stressed, but I reckon she'll be fine.

And since then, ANOTHER update. She is microchipped. Don't all clap and cheer though, the owners want nothing to do with her, her kittens or her huge vet bill. Once they heard where their cat was, they claimed they had given her away but don't know who to. :angry:

Anyway, she's getting treatment and is comfortable and has eaten apparently too. Here's hoping for a brighter future for her and her babies!
awwwww the poor little thing

how strange for the owners to behave like that, why go to the bother of chipping an animal you don't care about?

the poor little baby

good on you for trapping her and sorting all this out, doubt her and the little ones would survive without your work :flowers:
awwwww the poor little thing

how strange for the owners to behave like that, why go to the bother of chipping an animal you don't care about?

This is what we thought. It's possible they didn't microchip the cat though, these things are being looked into. The sad thing is it looks like she lived very near to me, so it's entirely possible that she WAS going home in between visits. We suspect there is a lot more to this than we know at the moment, so should reserve judgement for now, much as it looks bad. It won't be left alone though, HCR will be following it all up. :good:
awwwww the poor little thing

how strange for the owners to behave like that, why go to the bother of chipping an animal you don't care about?

This is what we thought. It's possible they didn't microchip the cat though, these things are being looked into. The sad thing is it looks like she lived very near to me, so it's entirely possible that she WAS going home in between visits. We suspect there is a lot more to this than we know at the moment, so should reserve judgement for now, much as it looks bad. It won't be left alone though, HCR will be following it all up. :good:

:nod: :nod:

very very true
how strange for the owners to behave like that, why go to the bother of chipping an animal you don't care about?

Poo on the owners! Poo, poo, poo! :no: Makes me super crabby when things like this happen. :grr: They probably got her as a kitten and thought oooo, aaaah, how cute, and then she grew up and they tossed her out! Makes me all grumpy! That's why I'm really trying to adopt to people I know, so I make sure this doesn't happen to the kittens I've worked hard to raise. I can then check on their progress with their new ownders.

Good on you KathyM for being so caring. :flowers: :good: I hope Fay pulls through.

Unfortunately, though, 'tis the season for kittens. I think I'm on my own with mine. Humane society in Miami and the Cat Network are swamped.

llj :)
Keeping fingers crossed for her.
I hate collars on cats,I have seen so many accidents with them.
Glad you kept on trying to get her and its all paid off in the end.
It could be that the owner had her microchipped free when she was a kitten.we sometimes get a trailer comes round this way for a couple of days and they do free microchipping for people on benefits.
Shows how much they thought of her when they dont want to know now though :angry:
Aww! That is terrible! :grr:
I hope she makes it!
Are you going to keep her yourself? She looks so sweet!
Well done for helping her!
No, I can't keep her sadly - I have 3 rescue cats here already that wouldn't accept her.

I have an update from Sara though:

She's home. Took this a few minutes ago - she's obviously very nervous about being here, but she's eaten and given me a little love. I've to take her back to the vets later this week, and I've to keep her wound clean, cleaning it a couple of times a day. Hopefully she will be ok as she doesn't seem to be bothering with the wound too much.

I'll keep in touch, she'll be here for a little while until her wound eases and she can go to a foster home.

And here are the new pics:


Aww she is so cute! I love the black 'smudge' on her nose :wub:

Any news on the kittens shes having?
gosh that is so sad its bought tears to my eyes, i hate to think of animals being hurt, scared and frightened. Full marks to you for probably saving her and kittens lives. How could her owners be so callous, shame on them.

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