Hey people, im just wondering what tetra owners think is the best tetra and why as im considering putting some in my tank and thought id seek some opinions from others!!!
I love congo tetra but they get big
The hardiest tetra I have are glassfin and they are very peaceful as well
Check carefully before you buy as some tetra can be nippy if not kept in the right quantities or conditions
good ol neons. In my opinion they have the nicest colors and tend to school tighter than many other tetra varieties. If not neons, then black neons, lamp eyes, or black tetras would have to be my next choices.
What size tank do you have and what's in it? Also, is it planted? Different tetras have different requirements and some tetras are totaly unsuitable for a community.
My favourite tetra is the black phantom. They are not the BEST schoolers - but neither are neons/cardinals/rummies or any of the other common species. They do group together very tightly when frightened or after a water change/re-arangement of tank and also if in a large group in a large tank but otherwise spend more time displaying or scattered around than anything else. They are amazingly beautiful fish though and display a lot more character than other tetras seem to (IMO anyway). Males have stunning black and irridescent colors and can change color quite rapidly too - from near-white to a velvety black shade. The females can also change color but are more noteable for their red adipose fin. Both sexes will raise their dorsal and 'flare' and, as you watch them, they tilt to display to each other better and seem to dance around each other. Every now and again the light catches the turquoise behind their head and their scales sparkle - they're beautiful. Black phantoms also won't nip other fish but will chase each other if not kept in a large enough group - though even in a very small group, they won't actualy harm each other. They are, furthermore, very hardy, not picky in any way and only get to about 1.5". Despite the males' long fins, they make good tankmates for most fish and aren't usualy picked on (IME anyway) and they have that 'discus-type' shape that add variety to a tank containing mainly 'classicaly' torpedo-shaped fish.
My favorite tetra is a black skirt tetra. They are "very" sturdy. They have been with me for a very long time and they have a lifespawn of 10 years. They usaully dont nip and stay relatively small (2-3 inches) They can go with many tetras, and can fit along with big or small fish. Keep in mind you should get atleast 4 of these type of tetras. Hope u like the suggestion.