Favourite Lps - Photos/info


Fish Herder
Jun 19, 2010
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I don't know about you guys but I love looking at peoples photo's so I thought it'd be nice to keep up the photo and info theme running on the boards at the moment. So, post a photo with your favourite LPS coral in your tank and a fact about that coral !! Remember to write the name of it.

I hope people participate otherwise I'm going to look like a massive loser!! :) I've started with LPS corals, if it's a hit then I'll do another thread with soft and SPS coral!
My sun corals :)

Magnificent! Wow!! I have a sun frag but can't get it to open! Any tips??
How long have you had them?
Magnificent! Wow!! I have a sun frag but can't get it to open! Any tips??
How long have you had them?

Nearly a year. They live on the entrance to caves so you need it to be placed under a overhang so its not in direct light with low/moderate flow. Use a pippette or turkey baster to feed mysis or lobster eggs or chopped up mussels, mine love the latter. In fact I often use the mussel juice to encourage them to expand and could be a way for you save putting too much food waste into your system. I always feed every night at 10.30 when only my moons are on and everything else is settled. If you have shrimps give them a treat to keep out of the way, mine get i bit of mussel.

If they aren't out just use a little food and waft it over the coral to encourage them to come out.Once one does the rest will follow over time. Each head needs to be fed daily. With practice you can train them and mine now come out in the day but I still only feed at night. You may need to break to feeding down into two stage, feed a bit then 10-30 minutes later go back and give them a bit more.

My yellow has atleast doubled in size (number of polyps) since I have had it, only takes 10 minutes to feed and never realised why people complain so much about keeping them.

Hope that might help you a bit :)
Thanks Ozzie,

I guess my favourite at the moment is my

Australian Rainbow Maze (playgyra) frag.


It's a brain coral, lovely coloration. My fact is that in the wild some brain corals have reached and are over 900 years old!
In fairness you have played the top card with your sun corals - amazing!
lol, there are plenty of lovely lps out there so lets get the rest in people :)

To be honest I sold the blacks last weekend to a mate who kept badgering me about wanting them :/
oooooohh im liking this .. that sun is stunning .. would love to post pics but even whith seffies help i still can't manage it .. ooops i cant help it that i'm related to forrest gump
Do you have a photobucket account?? Or do you have an iPhone??
Do you have a photobucket account?? Or do you have an iPhone??
Hi lewiss .. yeh i do have a photo bucket account . But for some reason i can't upload to TFF.. still will keep trying . just got a green bubble tip yesterday and my clowns look as if they are in clown heaven . If this doesn't sound stupid they put me in mind of little puppy's darting in and out .. AMAZING

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