I was ready to feed my fish a couple minutes ago and my opaline gourami seems to have a bent tail. She also can't swim very well. She will swim to the bottom, then float back up, then sink to the bottom. And when she does try to swim she doesn't swim very well. I am thinking it is swim bladder due to a nitrite spike in my 29 gallon. The nitrite went up to 10! I've been doing 80% water changes everyday in hope of not losing all of my fish. I did an 80% water change as soon as I saw her unusual behavior. The nitrite is at 2 which is still in the stress zone, but better than what it was before. I am trying my hardest to keep my fish alive.
Out of all my fish, my favorite little gourami is going to die. I don't know what to do, please help.
I'm sorry you lost your gourami...i lose mine about a week ago. She had swimbladder and a very swollen stomach area. She was one of my favs too. I know how you feel.