Fav Fish

all types of danio
but my newest edition are my current favourite
Danio Devaro the bengal danio :D

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I couldn't say "of all time" because it changes about every other day. :lol:

Right now, I'm in an African Butterfly Cichlid mood, but tonight I think it will be Crowntail Betta after I put my new one in a re-done 5.5g. :nod:
Barbus gelius for sure. A perfect little fish shaped fish, attractive, but subtle colouration, peaceful and active, yet with enough spunk to bite back if something much bigger bothers it.

I also worked with these little guys for years to establish their true classification, (the proposed classification divided them into 5 species). Had tanks all over the house filled with them and their fry, never stopped liking them.
I like the sort that swim about in water... :p

:thumbs: I like all fish


Im thinking about getting some African Dwarf Frogs for my sisters 4g tank tho, so they might take over from gouramis - but I LOVE plecos so they're number 1! :D

gonna get a bristlenose :cool:
RTB and Ruby/Rainbow sharks.

I also like Dwarf Puffers but I don't have any...yet. :D

and trailing just behind them is the chocolate gourami :)
Well my favourite fish always seems to change, I normally have three or four each couple of months! At the moment I would say Botia sidthimunki for their delicate size and colouring, and such a wonderful playful character. Then I would say Semaprochilodus taeniurus, a very nice Characin, colourful and active. At the moment I would also add the Silver Arowana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum) just for their sheer power and alien looks, and maybe even Hemisorubim platyrhynchos! Or maybe Rasbora taeniata.
I used to love Bettas. Kinda gone off them now. Only since mine died :rip:

My favourite fishy is my male silver sailfin, I think he's gorgeous. :wub: :fish:

I don't like guppies, I've got 3 males and they are all bullies. :dunno:

I've got a fishy top, its got a smily goldfish on the front and on the back its got one with big sharp teeth and dark eyebrows
Cardinal tetras have always been my favourites. There's nothing like a large shoal of them swimming about my tank.

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