
Fish Crazy
May 13, 2004
Reaction score
Lincoln UK
With reference to the question put forward earlier would you eat your fav fish for 1 million pounds ?????

What is the fish thats your fav and doe's he/she have a name

the rules are only one type of fish allowed

ie: not catfish but a certain plec = zebra or whatever

be interested to see what comes out on top

many thanks once again happy posting :p
i dont wanna choose :(

ok i will :rolleyes:

see my sig, the one closest to the cam? well thats my hoplo catfish nicly referred to as 'bigun' cause hes the biggest fish in my tank at 4inchs
My favourite fishie is my male convict
I only have him since yesterday, so no name yet...
maybe some ideas? :rolleyes:
Keith my african butterfly fish is becoming an amazing character, loads of attitude on him!!
My favourite fish is Kentaro the weather loach. I have had him for 2 years and he's a gorgeous 6".


I would never eat him, no matter how much was offered.
Wow that's a tough one. Either "Big Fat Harry", my Cynotilapia Chinyankwazi mbuna, or maybe Lou the Lab. mbamba. Or Tony the Red Top Zebra. Or Sid the Red Zebra. Or My Boy Blue, the Cobalt Blue Zebra.

I cannot choose only one :crazy:
I have four prized fish...

My first, which i sadly lost due to a case of Dropsey, which i got the treat a day late ;(, But he was a one of a kind, a silver swordtail... His mother crossed bred with a silver molly (Rare case) and he was Gorgous, i was depressed for 4 weeks in a row after losing him and thinking about him makes me depressed.. :(

Second My Chinese Algea eater, which i never got around to naming him really, though he is aggressive, he has such gorgous colour and lovely to look at...

Third, my Red tail Black shark, absolutly fell in love with him, but he started getting aggressive and i had to give him to my nextdoor neighbour, i go there every other day just to see how he is doing in his bigger tank and he is doing great, i never seen such a happy fish...

And fourth is my newest fish, my Albeno Pleco, lovely colours, beautiful eyes, gorgous fins, and a juicy size... so there we have it...

Yes i know, i seem to go with big finned fish, apart from Swordtails


I would love to get a cat fish at some point, like the silver cat...

Would have to be Magic, hands down. He's just a common Plec but he was the first fish that was actually mine, not just shared with my dad's tank. He's 9 years old now which is pretty good going considering he has an immune system disorder and I've almost lost him a few times. He's also 2ft long and sucks cubes of freeze dried tubifex out your hand!

Must try and get some photos him on the comp.
well i have a few,
sampson my evil guppie that was murdered by a filter

mollie my cute little cat fish that i had 2 return because i thought she was sick,
then was reading about sickness and founf out that she only had fin rot and that it was teatable, so sad about that

then my betta barry, though hes boring because of his ugly tank, i gotta get him a new 1 at the rag shop this weekend

and of course my platty Fantasuia, who i named after fantasia barino from american idol.
Do i have to own/have owned the fish then? My absolute favourite fish would have to be a Meredontotus tigrinus but i wouldnt risk buying such a expensive fish until i know that im not likely to be moving house again for a good few years.
My current favourite fish i own is my Jardini arowana, the elegance and power of this fish is awesome and its colours are stunning, almost as good as any asian arowana but without the £1000+ price tag.

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