Fatten Up Fry


Fish Aficionado
Jul 31, 2008
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hi all, got some fry that im trying to fatten up to go into the larger tank... are there any ways to do it quickly?

they about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch
4 fish in a 50L tank
2 filters and airstone, + decor

fed twice daily... a mix tub consisting of flake, spirinula, powdered bloodworm, fry food (powdered), powdered cichlid pellets.. THEN frozen daphnia and bloodworm (every other day), and live food when i can obtain it (every week or two)

weekly 40% W/C but its a clear bottom tank, so no debris builds up, and bio load is low anyway.

TEMP - 24C

im sure im doing everything right, but is there anything else?
try some de capsulated brine shrimp eggs, just soak in water for 5 mins thrn feed
NovoTabs I swear are gods gift to people raising fry! I raised all malawi fry on them from the day they finished up their egg sac up until they are big enough and aggressive enough feeders to take flake or pellets from the surface.
is that the JBL stuff?

i have some brine shrimp eggs, but they have the shells :/ so i have to hatch them out...

mine are taking flake and tetra prima etc, so they are moving off powdered stuff slowly, i have put some of the group in the big tank, and they have survived the last 18 hours, but i still have 4 that are a bit small, im hoping now the larger ones have gone they will just get more food and space and that will be the trigger.
go on ebay and you can buy a pack of de capsulated eggs that will last you for around 10 years and only costs about 5 pound
Yea, JBL Novotabs. Genius stuff! I just pooped one in every day or two and they all mass around it and i takes them half a day to eat it all. They get seriously fat little bellies and grow really fast!

As the got older i alternated it with NovoFect which is more algae based.

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