Fat Zebra Danios?


Fish Aficionado
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
Southern U.S.
I have 6 Long Fin Zebra Danios in a 55g and some of them look a little on the plump side but they always have seemed a little plump, especially compared to my regular Zebras in another aquarium.


Not the best pic but they're so fast, it's hard to get a good shot of one.
the bulge seems to be in the abdomin rather than an all over buldge.
I would say that the fish is stuffed full of food.

try fasting the fish for 5 days and see if the 'fatness' receeds
Thanks. that's what I was guessing. I'm going to have to find something they don't like so I can feed the other fish in peace now. :p
that's good news Teelie :good:
The pregnant Danio thread got me thinking, what if it was a female full of eggs? Does anyone know where a picture of a pregnant Zebra Danio is? I have had two or three fish fat like this though they seem to magically lose it almost over night sometimes. I know they like to eat their eggs and I have other fish that may eat them as well. Or it could just be they eat a large meal then pass it through. Either way I'm just relieved the swelling is gone.
Thanks. that's what I was guessing. I'm going to have to find something they don't like so I can feed the other fish in peace now. :p

Fat chance of finding anything they dont like.

So anyways, when you talk about pregnant fish, this usually refers to livebearers. Danios will never get pregnant, they carry eggs, as you know anyway.

Heres a pic of one of my females:

She's pretty fat, could be overeating or eggs.

When they used to spawn for me, I would always be able to tell if they did as the belly on females would be irregular shaped and "deflated" near the anus.
I can never seem to remember "gravid" is a better term than "pregnant" when referring to a fish full of eggs. Though stating a fish is "pregnant" is easier for most people to understand so I guess I keep falling into that trap explaining it. :p

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