Fat Tum


Fish Fanatic
Jan 26, 2006
Reaction score
Eastleigh, Hampshire, UK
Rex Cogidubnus just ate 12 defrosted bloodworms.
oh but he would've eaten more.

how many is toooo many??

the sheer volume of his tum has dragged him to the bottom of his tank! not really - he's swimming about. oh now he's sitting in his plant: Rex Cogidubnus sitting in a tree k i s s i n g
well, having tummy ache probably

is 3rd born's feesh - he's been with us 10 days.
yes it is our first and only betta
12 is WAY too many bloodworms. My bettas' tummies start getting big after 3-4! :crazy:
They're genetically programmed to gorge themselves when food is present because in the wild they never know when they'll get to eat again.... so no, they don't know when to stop :p
thought that might be it.

will he be ok?

He's flaring at weed at the moment - some valisineria......

GPA not huge? Again, like blonde girls - really cute but not too bright.

Robbie and Williams eat bloodworms from my chopsticks - one at a time - and piss off when they've had enough. But them's angels, them is. Going to Oxford on a scholarship nxt year, them are.
You know when I eat too much and exercise I get side-cramps. . . haha!
I wonder if Rex is having side cramps! :lol:

Yeh I limit my guys to 4-5 :nod:

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