Fat Puffer!


Fish Herder
Aug 3, 2006
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
My dwarf puffer is FAT!! His belly is HUGE! Do puffers normally have big, round tummies? I see some pictures with them, and some without. I don't think I'm overfeeding him... I feed them about once a day. The past few days I fed them blackworms, yesterday some frozen mysis shrimp, and today a few brine shrimp. I mean, this puffer is quite large... :shout: Is this normal?
the belly should be nicely rounded not overly huge...if its massive and overly large in comparison to the body then cut feeding down.
DPs are supposed to have a large belly after feeding only. I would suggest feeding small amounts a few times a day rather than one big meal.
Is the tummy always large or for a few hours after feeding? Does it eat as usual? Swim around and do what puffers normally do? Did you add anything new to the tank?
you feed once a day, but how much do u feed them. try cutting down to see whether the belly is due to the food or something else.
Oh, it seems (this is 15 hours after I last fed them) their bellies have shrunk down. So I guess they're okay. :) Thanks guys!
yeah, they are only little tiny things remember, and when they eat even 2 bloodworms they bloat up a bit, i dont think this does them any harm TBH, but i try and feed mine small feeds twice a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon

i was taking a pic of my oto showing off, and a puffer just after feed time got in on the action


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