Fat Neon Tetras?


Resurrecting the Passion of Fishkeeping
Nov 12, 2009
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While feeding my fish today, I noticed that a few of my Neon Tetras look rather plump - I tried to take a picture but they move so fast that they come out as a blur

Are they pregnant? I know they lay eggs - so are they sexually maturing and getting ready to breed?
Are they ill?
Do they seem to be bickering much? My females have fattened up slightly over the past 2weeks and now both male/female have become a bit agressive towards each other. I think this is because they've now reached sexual maturity and could spawn :nod:

not bickering at all! everyone is acting normal as can be - just some are...fat? its quite odd
That's like mine. Some of mine have become fatter, but they are also bickering as well...Like they will chase each other around the tank.
Moderately fat ones are probably just eggy, however I have noticed that my danios will gorge themselves on food until they look like they're gonna explode! I tried a 'spongier' food a while ago that must have taken on some water in their gut because I noticed half an hour later that the males had bulges and the females were alarmingly HUGE! I was literally afraid they have come down with dropsy. They looked twice their normal size.
Alright - thanks guys. I was becoming worried - thought a disease had made its way into my tank!
My red eyes are fat too but only a few. Then one day they went crazy going after eachother like crazy. Then my large fatty was not so fat any more. But it's been A few weeks and she is big again. They will look big till they spawn.
Well they could be pregnant as some people have already stated. Also i thought there were Neon tetras called "Jumbo Neon Tetras" in which they regularly would look fatter and larger than the average Neon Tetra. o.0

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