fat lip!

bichir boi

Fish Fanatic
Dec 10, 2004
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Hey, my senegalus bichir has a chunk of his lip missing :crazy: I duno how it happend, could of bin when he gets spooked and darts across the tank, maybe hiting a rock i dunno. I was just wondering how tough they are and how long it takes to heal?
Martha split her lip & bruised her eye last week when she got spooked by the postman and hit the glass.

Within five days the bruise had gone the the lip had healed.

Healthy fish in clean water heal amazingly fast.
IME, bichirs are very quick healers, mine had a chunk out of the top of his head (I think I saw the top of his skull :crazy: ) and he got better in 2 weeks :)
They are fairly solid fish but kinda dumb lol! I found myn in the filter once in the morning and he was fine, lucky he didnt go al the way, to the floor
Before I added a third senegal...The duo got in a fight and one had his pec fins gone (not all the way back but enough he couldn't swim).

He took up residence with one of the violets in a cave for about a month. Smaller than the other two now but out swimming the tank again.

They are some tough lil guys.
Nostrils grow back too I know of one who lost a big chunk of one of its pectoral fins
including the lobe part and it grew back-Anne

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