Fat Fish But Looks Male To Me ?


New Member
Feb 18, 2008
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This swordtail looks male to me but it is very fat, is it ill? or is it female ?
the other male in the tank comes up and nudges the fat part sometimes.
it is hiding quite a bit, but swims fine.

He is clearly a male due to 1) his gonopodium and 2) his swordtail.  That bulge is nothing like I have ever seen.  Doesn't look like a dropsy bulge, and it certainly is not a pregnancy bulge.  When and where did you get him?  Is it possible that it has a birth defect?
hi, I got him about 7 months ago along with another 10 fish from a seller on gumtree, all the other fish a very healthly.
It hasn't always been like that.
It's tummy looks bloated I guess. What do you feed him? And how much? My platy was like that after every meal. 
I suspect that's a tumor of some sort; if it is there won't be anything you can do, apart from euthanise him if he appears to be suffering

You could try Epsom salt baths, in case it is some sort of fluid retention; 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt (don't use table salt, but aquarium salt would be ok) in a gallon of water. Put the fish in there for 20 minutes, twice a day, and see if he improves.
It looks too pronounced to me to be simple bloating or a heavy meal.  I am also thinking tumor.
I would guess tumor or internal parasite... But I will say it looks like something from a horror story with how large it is. 
What happened with this male lee? Has the lump gone down any?

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