Fat Fish Bellys


New Member
Apr 20, 2004
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I started a new tank a bout a month ago, i have 4 Giant Danios and 2 Glowlight Tetras.

I brought an extra 2 Glowlight Tetras and 2 Neon Tetras. I noticed that one of the Glowlight Tetras had a very fat belly. A week later and another Glowlight Tetra has a fat belly as well as the largest of the 4 Danios.

I thought they may have Dropsy...but the scales are not sticking out. Could this be Swim Bladder?

The Nitrate level in the tank is 0.3 and the PH is 7.6 and the water has been treated any ideas?

Thanks :thumbs:
Do you think?

Been trying to keep the nitrate levels down and have only been feeding them once a day just enough for them to feed for about 40 seconds.

Do they have any problems swimming or keeping their balance. If not, then most probably gizer is right - a bit overweight :)
I only feed once a day and notice that straight after a feed some of the black widow tetras and neons have a fat stomach, but by the next day its gone down.

I'm still very new to this and am not sure how much food to give, but it all goes within minutes.

Still think I might be over feeding though? :*) I'm sure the fat belly's are due to that.
you can feed them once a day, enough for them to finish in a couple of minutes. What size tank do you have? You might want to invest in a small catfish or a few cories to keep the substrate clean from the food that falls to the bottom.
Not that i know of, this is my first tank.

Do you know what i should be looking for?

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