Fat Featherfin Synodontis


comfortably numb
May 23, 2008
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my featherfin synodontis seems to be way too fat , im certain its not dropsy but was wondering if it could be constipation. the fish is around 6 inches and eats shrimp bloodworm sinking catfish pellets etc. it is a greedy so and so so maybe its just fat? i have tried cooked/shelled peas but its about the only food its shown no interest in. is there anything else i could try feeding it to get its bowels working? or could there be another cause?
hi iv got two feather fins about the same size one is spread out evenly and always out cruising but his lazy brother sits in the corner and is fat exactly like you say i think its to do with the sex of the fish :good:
I used to have an obese featherfin he got to about 8 inches with a top feather that reached past his tail (think he might have been a hybrid in hindsight) he was called rosie...
:lol: You wanna see fat? I'll find a pic of my Angelicus. She's truly obese. Sex of the fish has a factor. All my female synos seem to carry more weight than the males, who look far more streamlined compared to the rather large ladies. I've seen this in my Petricolas too. More often than not just before the female starts dropping eggs. I think they just hold a lot....and eat too much.
P.S: Have also observed that in a large group the females are always in charge. :hey:
my featherfin synodontis seems to be way too fat , im certain its not dropsy but was wondering if it could be constipation. the fish is around 6 inches and eats shrimp bloodworm sinking catfish pellets etc. it is a greedy so and so so maybe its just fat? i have tried cooked/shelled peas but its about the only food its shown no interest in. is there anything else i could try feeding it to get its bowels working? or could there be another cause?

both mine look "tubby". seems quite natural.

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