fat cherry barb


New Member
Jan 4, 2005
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Hey all hope everyone is ok. Hoping someone can help. My brother bought a fish and we have just found out it is a cherry barb, i have read up on them and found out some stuff we need to know to keep them healthy, it's just he has had it in his community tank on it's own for afew weeks now and it seems to be getting quite fat- it is female and doesn't over eat, is very active still and seems to mix with the other fish so we don't think she is ill does, anyone know of any other reason why she could be fat?
I was thinking that maybe they produce eggs but keep them inside because there is no male around to fertilise them or am i just insane thinking that.lol
any help woud be fantastic!
What do you feed the fish try some shelled peas and daphnia, just to make sure she isn't constipated, also what does it look like when the fish goes to the toilet, is the anus red and inflamed, can the fish maintain its balance in the water, and are scales sticking out like a pinecone.
that was a really quick reply-thanks!
her scales are all normal nothing sticking up and the anus is not red and inflamed but we are unsure of how often she goes for a poo so we will watch for that one. She is fed on flakes at the moment and unfortunately we don't have any peas in the house at present and as we would like to test that out now i was wondering if cucmber would do the same trick?
Yes try the cucumba, to many dry food can cause problems it sounds like she could be constipated, you will have to alter the diet of your fish they need frozen foods such as, bloodworms,brimestrimp,daphnia,river strimp any of these, and veg peas are very good, cucumba, broc savoy cabbage sproats, make sure they have frozen and veg in there diet at least twice a week to avoid constipation, and swim bladder and dropsy problems, and daphnia is good at digesting there food, good luck.
thank you very much for the advice we are adding cucumber now and will keep a close eye on her. Thanks again!!!!!!!!!
Cucumba drop it in boiling water for a few minutes, remove the seeds in the middle, get a rubber band and plant weight as this will help it stay on the bottom of the tank.

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