

Fish Crazy
Mar 2, 2005
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Detroit, Mich USA
I was reading a website that said that not feeing your fish for a day can be good for them to clean their systems out and prevent constipation. Does anyone do this?
Yes I do it alot.... I try to really vary my fish's feeding pattern to keep them behaving as naturally as possible.. Sometimes i feed late at night, other times i will feed in the middle of the day, sometimes not everyday, sometimes not for 2 days, just to keep them kean lol.

Seems to keep them healthy, not had any real problems for ages now, and my fish dont hanker after food when i approach the tank...

I do it periodically with all of my bettas. Right now everyone's on a fast because I overfed them a bit (oops) and have a feeling constipation, or just fatness, might be coming. :lol:
It would probably do some of us humans good too but since we have opposible thumbs, we can get our own food. :lol:

Seriously though, I have started experimenting with skipping a day here and there but haven't deen doing it long. Definitely hasn't seemed to have any negative effect on them.
been cutting down to 1 meal some days. instead of 2. Seem more interested in the food, before they wasnt taking any notice cos i was feeding them to much.
I feed mine whenever to vary their diet a lot as they dont get to eat every day in the wild. I make sure to feed enough though.
If I notice a build up of algea on my plants then I will not feed them for a day or two. They will eat the algea as its the only food source, and it reduces the algae in the tank! It's win-win.
My corys are always foraging around in search of food. I can't imaging letting them go hungry by skipping a whole day's worth of food! :eek:
I pretty much just feed my fish once every other day. I have a bad habit of putting too much food in at once so this compensates for it :p
I have a bad habit of putting too much food in at once so this compensates for it
yeah me too... my fish go about 2days once a week without food because that's when I go to stay with my boyfriend. They seem fine for it and I've been doing it for ages. they nibble the plants a bit and every so often my housemate feels sorry for them and feeds them but not always.
I usually skip feeding them 2 days a week (not consecutive days). I've never seen any ill effects from skipping the feed plus it makes the food last a little longer.

I also vary the times of day that I feed, sometimes as soon as I get in from work, sometimes the morning after a day of fasting and sometimes at night. I also occasionally drop in an extra sinking wafer after lights out for the more nocturnal of my fish.

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