Fasting your betta


Fish Crazy
May 10, 2004
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
I've seen that many people fast their betta to help with digestion among other things. I believe the people just did not feed their fish for one day. I would like to know how many of you fast your bettas and the duration of the fast because I believe I should do the same for mine, I just want to be certain about how to do it before I do.
i've had my betta for four months now and i fast him, he gets fed every day of the week except for sunday and he's been doing fine. no problems and he's healthy...
I feed mine every other day. They are very alert and trim.
I usually don't feed them on Sundays. As of this week, I'm putting my females on a 3-5 day fast so they can clean their systems out and lose some fat.
I feed them twice a day, every day except Saturday. On Fridays I feed them freeze dried bloodworms so that they have a whole day to digest them.
I don't feed my betta's and other fish one day a week and they are also fed one day a week with only cyclops. The cyclops contains a lot of non digestiable matter that stimulates the disgestive tract.
I had read about this a long time ago, and can't recall what the benefts of fasting your fish are. Can you let me know...I have a betta who eats every day!
What about 2 days a week...hitting a danger zone? My lfs said to feed my betta 2-3 times a week. I don't...I feed every day, but I was wondering. Is 2 days too much?

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