Fast Growing Plants

Elodea / egeria densa is a fast growing plant is an example.
You don't specify what kind of plants you like and for what purposes, might help to know if you're after high or low tech plants.
Ch4rlie said:
Elodea / egeria densa is a fast growing plant is an example.
You don't specify what kind of plants you like and for what purposes, might help to know if you're after high or low tech plants.
low tech and something that will take up space behind ocean rocks to creating a shaded area in the back of my aquarium 
uchihahovis said:
You could attach some java ferns to the moss
Think he means to attach some Java Fern to the ocean rocks, or even java moss to rocks, both of these are low tech plants and certainly a possibility if you like that idea.
There are a few choices for background plants, vallis, wisteria, cabomba, hornwort are all plants that are good for your purpose, even though they are not particularly fast growing plants they do perfectly ok in low tech tank set ups.
Other low tech plants for foreground areas could be cryptocorynes, anubias and moss balls, all these are low tech plants and are just a few examples of what is available from most LFS.
If you have difficulty in knowing what plants would be suitable, have a look at your local LFS, and note the names of plants you like the look of, type them up here and we can help you know if they are suitable for low tech tank set ups.
+1 on the elodea. They grow like hell and cuttings root easily. They tolerate moderate lighting and oxygenate the water as well

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