Fast Fish Deaths. ?


Fish Crazy
Nov 30, 2005
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houston TX
I have had my tank now for about 10 months. It is a 30 gal. with a bio-wheel filter system for a 50 gal tank, and 150 watt heater. Ammonia 0 ppm, nitrate 0 ppm, nitrite 0 ppm, ph 8.4,alkalinity 300 ppm, saltinity 1.022. I started it with 15 pounds of Fiji live rock,5 blue leg hermits,5 narcissus snail, and Two false percula clownfish. the tank cycled with no problems. fish ate alot and looked very happy. after about 4 months i added some green star polyps, and another coral i dont know the name of. about a month after that i added a coral banded shrimp. fish still ate alot and looked happy( with the exception that the coral banded shrimp is territorial with its rock, and dosent let the clowns get too close to him).
the next two months the clowns were just fine. one day out of nowhere the dident want to eat. not flake not pellet, not live brine shrimp (there favorite). i dident think of it much since some days they ate more than others. well this went on for a week. the looked really skinny, and i noticed rapid breathing that never stoped. i could see there bones. but other than there weight loss no other visible changes.. no spots or anything that "i" could notice. then after a week and a day one died. the other followed the next day.
while all this is going on all the other life in the aquarium is looking great . well two months passed and no one i have talked two "in fish shops" can give me a good reason why. they say bad water well if that were so, the corals and shrimps would be the first to die. Plus i check my water weekly and change my water thinking its some kind of bacteria or something??? im clue less. So the next thing i did after 2 months the clowns died is bought a peppermint shrimp and a damsel (because is cheap and "hardy") . when i put the damsel in the tank it was excited swimming happily. i feed it some flake food and it went nuts eating it. the next day it dident eat as much. the third day it dident eat at all and had rapid breathing. it died that same third day started swimming sideways and upsidedown.all 3 fish died the same way. yet the peppermint shrimp coral banded shrimp , corals and hermits are all doing extreamly well since day one.
All i add to the tank is a ph buffer, liquid calcium, and purple up for the growth of coraline alge. i hane added these since the first day. and add them only acording to directions.
Sounds like a parasite being skinny can mean internal parasites, is the anus enlarged or inflamed, any signs of flicking and rubbing against objects, did they go skinny before they stopped eating.
Sounds like a parasite being skinny can mean internal parasites, is the anus enlarged or inflamed, any signs of flicking and rubbing against objects, did they go skinny before they stopped eating.

I think the clowns became skinny because they weren't eating for a week (with possibly increased metabolic rate). Although it could be parasite, but the death of damsel doesn't make any sense. I've never heard of a parasite that kills it's host in 3 days. Especially after lying dormant for 2 months. What ever it is, you can rule out bad water and fish that were already diseased. It's more likely one of the following:
1) toxin from coral
2) tainted food
3) bacteria

I think this should be move this to the marine forum, where there are more experts in marine diseases. This forum deals with tropical fish diseases.
Were they laying to one side.
If you post in the marine section they may also be able to give you some tips on successful marine keeping :nod:
i dont think it is bad food since the shrimps and hermits eat the same food, coral toxins i dought , i made sure with the fish store on there compatibility with my tank set up and its inhabitants. i feel its more like a bacteria or parasite. i mean the damsel dident last 72 hours. Im going to doule check the corals toxins and its affect on fish if any................... i mean this is weird the tank looks beautiful. but the fish dont have a like to know what this is before i kill any more fish..

and thanks for pointing out the marine forum im a newbee.

and yes they were laying to one side.

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