Faq Section For Nano Tanks Links Not Working!


Aug 30, 2007
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Pretty much as the title says the links to Steelhealrs excellent FAQ section in the nano are not working (they link back to the home page).

I was going to post the link for someone to read as they are very useful if you are starting out (and if you've forgotten stuff as well).

I've noticed this on other pinned threads as well but never bothered to say anything so if I happen across them I'll mention it but I'm not sure of the correct protocol for this.

Should I PM one of the mods instead of cluttering up the forum?

Also is it just me or is flood control getting a bit of a pain lately?

Gah, this is the result of a recent forum patch to stop the spammers. The patch also broke a lot of links around the site as it changed the way the forum software interpereted it's own internal links... I wasn't aware that the nano section was also broken (the marine and reef chit chat was for sure). The process of fixing them is somewhat involved for me (gotta alter the html code of the links and double check that they work before submitting the edit, lame) and I probably won't have time to fix them till either tomorrow or the weekend but I'll get on it as soon as I can Cage.

If you or anybody else comes across a broken link, wing me a PM and I'll fix it for everyone.
Gah, this is the result of a recent forum patch to stop the spammers. The patch also broke a lot of links around the site as it changed the way the forum software interpereted it's own internal links... I wasn't aware that the nano section was also broken (the marine and reef chit chat was for sure). The process of fixing them is somewhat involved for me (gotta alter the html code of the links and double check that they work before submitting the edit, lame) and I probably won't have time to fix them till either tomorrow or the weekend but I'll get on it as soon as I can Cage.

If you or anybody else comes across a broken link, wing me a PM and I'll fix it for everyone.

Cheers ski :good:

As if you haven't got enough to do eh?
Now that the forum software is also fixed and not painfully slow, I've gone ahead and repaired the links. Lemme know if anybody finds others that are broken :)

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