I left home this morning and I had 3 Fantail Goldfish. One of them looked a little more plump than usual and had a thin line of some sort of stringy material floating behind her, I figured it was ok - just fish debris or something.
I got home from work and she's caught in the filter canister. I gently removed her and tried to free her and it seems as though she can't swim - at all. She's just freely floating through the tank, I can't get her to right herself, the other fish are starting to pick on her, and worst of all, she's still alive and gulping for air.
My ammonia levels have been a little high (0.25 - 0.50) and I did a fresh water change last night. All my other fish look fine, I don't see any spots of ICH on her, though some of scales look like they're silver (I don't see this on any of the other fish.) She's a new fish, I just added her on Friday.
Any advice, other than isolating her, would be greatly appreciated.
I left home this morning and I had 3 Fantail Goldfish. One of them looked a little more plump than usual and had a thin line of some sort of stringy material floating behind her, I figured it was ok - just fish debris or something.
I got home from work and she's caught in the filter canister. I gently removed her and tried to free her and it seems as though she can't swim - at all. She's just freely floating through the tank, I can't get her to right herself, the other fish are starting to pick on her, and worst of all, she's still alive and gulping for air.
My ammonia levels have been a little high (0.25 - 0.50) and I did a fresh water change last night. All my other fish look fine, I don't see any spots of ICH on her, though some of scales look like they're silver (I don't see this on any of the other fish.) She's a new fish, I just added her on Friday.
Any advice, other than isolating her, would be greatly appreciated.