Fancy guppy breeding


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2004
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Kingston Ontario Canada
I have a small 5 gallon tank with 5 neons 2 male fancy 2 female fancy 1 betta and an algy eater . Will the guppies breed in this if not should i take some of the other fish out. What do i need to do to get them to breed? Thanks in advance to whoever responds
To breed guppies you just need to add water... That said, the neons and the guppies themselves will eat fry so if you want to "save them all" you will need some type of breeder net for the female while she is giving birth and some where to grow them out. Are you wanting loads of fry? Your 5 gal tank already is pretty full of fish so I'm not so sure that you want fry too. Do you have other tanks?

I have been doing some guppy breeding so I can give you some advice. If you want to breed specific traits in guppies you have to have separate tanks. Usually a breeder will have at least three tanks, one for males, one for females and then a breeding tank. You put the male that you want to breed in with the female that you want to breed in the breeding tank. After a couple weeks remove the male and leave the female in the breeding tank so that she can give birth in the tank (which she will after about 28 days). Then you can raise the fry in the breeding tank until they are old enough to separate by sex. This is the way to do it if you want to breed for specific traits. If you want to just breed them put a male in with a couple females and make sure there are lots of plants for the babies to hide in.
Hey Joeyt66,

Have u had any problems between your male betta and guppies? Because I want to set up a 10 gallon tank with 1 male betta , 1 male guppie, 2-3 female guppies, 5-6 neon tereas and some sort of alge eater or mabey a snail so i was wondering if your tank worked out?

Braxenburg :)
braxenburg, it depends on the betta whether you can stick them in with guppies. Mine tried to kill everything in my thirty when I tried to put him in, but I've heard of some people being able to do this if their betta isn't that aggressive. Joey, what's in the 65? Maybe the guppies would do better in there breeding wise.
I would get a 10 or 20g tank to breed them in. Lots of plants and let them do what they do in there. Some fancy gupps are not easy to bred.
I have done some guppy breading also. IF you are not goign to care about color combos and selective breadign you can leave them all in your 10 gallon. But What I would suggest is gettign a lot of fake or real plants that provide a good shelter and hiding places for the fry. Even a lot of floatign plants can work for fry. As long as they can hide so as not to get eaten.

You may also wantto kill your power filter so that the new fry do not get sucked into it. Do it for a few days and look for fry in the mornings when you wake up. YOu might see them at the top of the tank or hiding where the plants are.

IF they dissapear then you know you need to get them out of that tank and into another as soon as you see them.
Thanx for all the help guys. How will I know when she is pregnant ?

Nija smurf the 65 has mostly larger fish 2 ID sharks , 3 Big tinfoil barbs i red tail shark, 4 tiger barb 3 kissin gourami and 2 gold and 2 blue gourami. I had some silver tip fish (not sure the exact name) but i put them in and the 65 and by morning all 6 were gone. i think the tinfoils made a meal out of them, so i dont want to put them in to the [/B]predetor tank

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