Fancy assorted fry


Fish Gatherer
Nov 7, 2003
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just became an american *play dramatic music*
Fed them, watched 'em grow up and even saw some get eaten :sick: . Now time to sell and say goodbye.
Ah the joys of parenthood ......






Gonna miss the little guys :byebye:
Thanks for all the compliments :*)
Chewy-I gave away around 50 new born fry to my lfs fro free b/c I was getting over crowded, but besides that the 4 month old fries(the ones in the pics) I'm selling the female for $1 and males for $2. I have a guy who's buying 10 from me, and some other buyers. I would love to give/sell you some but I wouldn't know how to ship them. :X
canoechiq- I am gonna miss them, but I got over 150 younger fry so not like I'll be lonely :lol: Don't worry, I'm keeping a few too :fun:
They are beautiful to give them up doesn't it? :X
oh you and your fry growing up :eek:

i have 3 fry !!!!

ok i truly suck

i like their small tails.. big tail males always get chewed on :alien:

1 big fat mama in thurrrr too :eek:

ok ill shut up :X
2 bucks for a male??? lfs sells a male guppy for 1.80 US...SELL not buy...whoa, you have a good deal!
And you really would give me some???? Oh, I am so touched! :-( :*) :whistle: Hahaa, but even so, i don't think the poor fishes would last the trip from canada to japan!... but it's the heart that really counts ;) thanks laura.
Hey, don't mind but could you post a picture of ALL the fry tanks you got? I'd REALLY love to see 'em!! :p :fun:

FM- Hearing that from you is a real compliment my canadian friend :D

Alaska- Well I hope they'll brighten up peoples tanks if they dont kill them first(been questioning some of the buyers and not one have answered yes to dechlorinating their water!!! :crazy: ) So I'm attaching pieces of info on declorinating water, what food , temp, water the fish like, etc.

iloveyou- Hey having 3 fry is better then 0 :nod: And you don't need to shutup, its a forum made for talking! :D

Chewey- Trust me if i could I would sell them for more but we have stupid Walmart here and the females go for $1.50 and males for $2.97 so that kind of held me back. Post all the fry tanks? Your lucky I've been giving away fry to the lfs or I'd have six 1 gallon bowls for you to see. I'll post some up later, k bud?
Thanks again for everyone who commented :*)

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