FM- Hearing that from you is a real compliment my canadian friend
Alaska- Well I hope they'll brighten up peoples tanks if they dont kill them first(been questioning some of the buyers and not one have answered yes to dechlorinating their water!!!
) So I'm attaching pieces of info on declorinating water, what food , temp, water the fish like, etc.
iloveyou- Hey having 3 fry is better then 0
And you don't need to shutup, its a forum made for talking!
Chewey- Trust me if i could I would sell them for more but we have stupid Walmart here and the females go for $1.50 and males for $2.97 so that kind of held me back. Post all the fry tanks? Your lucky I've been giving away fry to the lfs or I'd have six 1 gallon bowls for you to see. I'll post some up later, k bud?
Thanks again for everyone who commented