Family Section


Fish Addict
Dec 18, 2005
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Any chance of just getting a family section, one where we can talk about families, babies etc and show our pictures?
There are a lot of new baby posts and scans and things popping up that don't really have a home, yet the people here want to share with the others.

It wouldn't be a "General discussion" board, because it wouldn't be about "General" topics.

We have a pet board, why not a family board?
yup, could have a kids fish section too, put things that might encourage people's little one's to get into the habit and be set aside from the main forum's so we don't end up with all the slanging matches on for the kids to read. Maybe some of the pinned topics and guides could be simplified a bit, slimmed down to show how to do easy maintenance kiddie friendly set up's :good:
So, a little bump to the top....what do the mods think? none commented, should I put it to William myself?
The only problem I could see with this is people asking for help on family matters, especially teens after getting in a fight with parents or siblings (yes, even me, I'm a teen too lol).

Edit: Forgot to say this isn't a bad idea, just that the asking for help might be a problem.
If people could use it as you intend it, SuzieQPlecMama, it would be a great addition to TFF. However, I think it would be difficult to "police" because it was a thread about family that caused general to be removed from TFF in the first place.

It could work, but families are a personal matter, and most people dont particularly like other people telling them how to improve their family/parenting.
Now why would anyone be telling anyone else how to improve their parenting?

I think just a section where we can talk about our kids/husbands/wives, show pictures, share baby news etc would be nice.
If someone doesn't want to talk about family matters, they need not post! I don't think that would be a problem personaly... I just don't know whether it would be worth adding a section like that in the first place. I mean, yes, we have a pet section - but then this board is about pet fish... And we have a hobby section - but the board's about a hobby isn't it? But it's not about 'general' things like families or jobs or whatever. I'm not saying I disagree with adding it - I'm just saying I'd need more persuasion to believe it's worthwhile.
I like Miss Wiggles part the best, maybe because it would work for me to! :blush:
Yes, I think it's a good idea and i'm all for it, however I wouldn't use it, but hey i'm a 14 year old with nothing to talk about. I'm sure LOTS of people would like the idea, but we would probably need seperate moderators just to watch over that forum incase any uncalled for behaviour approaches, although it shouldn't if everyone is mature.


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