False Siamese Tiger ID help


New Member
Jan 19, 2010
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Just got two D.pulchers, and I'm not sure what the juveniles look like. They are waiting at the shop for me to pick up, but they look like microlepis to me. They are quite small (@2") are they very similar at this size? I've been assured they are the pulcher but could do with a chat before I commit to them. All help accepted. (mind you at £25 each, they would be worth it whatever the type; He's also offered me another 2 for £40. Would you go for it?)
If you were after true D. Pulcher I wouldn't go for it. A few things suggest that they are I.T.'s to me.
1) The size of them - I think I correct in thinking there's an export ban on true D. Pulcher, and they haven't been bred in aquariums so any fish offered for sale would therefore have to be a captive one that has been so for a number of years (meaning they would be bigger than 2").

2) The price, true D. Pulcher fetch much more than £25, much more.


Is one of the better ID charts, might help you.

I'm 99% sure they will be I.T.'s (or another type) without even seeing them.

P.s not been in aquarium game for quite a while but I'm pretty sure I'm right with what I say, if anyone else knows different please chip in.

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