fake bubble nest


Fish Fanatic
May 24, 2004
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Sutton Coldfield / West Midlands / England / UK
i have a old male and bless him he been trying to make a nest for days now and the bubbles keep poping :(

so was just wondering if its possible to introduce sommat into the water when he isnt looking that looks like a bubble nest so when he looks up he thinks he has done it :)

i know its kinda a really weird question but he is trying so hard to build 1 for his female and i feel ever so sorry 4 him cause the bubbles keep poping :(
my opinion-- turn ur filter off (if u have one) this may be causing a small current which is popping them, also, i dont think its possible to create a fake bubble nest but im not sure
I seen a nother post on this not to long ago. what they did was get a male who could build a good nest and put him in the tank (of corse take out the other male for the time being ) and once the nest was made take that male out and add the first male back in. He will use the other males nest he shouldn't destroy it. I have never tried it but I heard it works. Hope this helps :D

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