Fahaka Puffer


Especially African Cichlids
Nov 25, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhere in Wisconsin
I don't have one or anything but, I wanted to know some stuff about this fish for future reference. :D ;)

This might need to be moved because i think they're brakish but I might be wrong.
No, they're not brackish. they're fully freshwater from North African rivers. They are considered the most agressive of all the freshwater puffers, grow quickly up to 18 inches and in most cases cannot be kept with any other fish and certainly not with other fahaka puffers.

What else do you need to know?
pH doesn't matter much as long as you avoid extremes.
A two inch fahaka will need a four-foot tank within four months and ultimately up to five feet by two feet by two feet as a minimum (around 150 US gallons)

And Martha's fine, thanks for asking :D
Well at leasttwo will be dead very soon...

As someone once said about them

"I don't know how they get close enough to each other to breed"

Think that says it all...

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