I have a Drawf/Pigmy puffer in a community tank which he and friends have lived for a year happily (occasional fin nipping but to no harm), but I took on 2 Congo Tetra's from a 60 ltr tank (knowing it probably would't work) in hope that they would get along and enjoy the extra space.
As much as people rant that Fahaka's like no other fish I've seen a few videos of red tailed sharks/pleco's, convict cichlid's and even loaches in with the Fahaka, and seeing that my fahaka is only 2 inches I wondered if any one had tried the combination finding a drawf and fahaka getting along.
I know the books say you can't - but has anyone tried
Cheers all
As much as people rant that Fahaka's like no other fish I've seen a few videos of red tailed sharks/pleco's, convict cichlid's and even loaches in with the Fahaka, and seeing that my fahaka is only 2 inches I wondered if any one had tried the combination finding a drawf and fahaka getting along.
I know the books say you can't - but has anyone tried
Cheers all