Fahaka In Lfs...


Nov 25, 2004
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i saw a very nervous looking Fahaka over the weekend in a lfs - it was probably about 10" and sharing a tank that was probably about 3 1/2ft square in base area and about 30" high with a redtailed catfish of about 24" and a shovelnose cat of some description of a similar size! for a big, nasty puffer it was doing a pretty good job of cowering away in the corner of the tank!! The guys behind the counter told me that the redtail keeps on having a go at eating the puffer :blink: i did wonder though who was at more risk in this kind of set-up.

Theyre moving the redtail and shovelnose to a new 8x30"x30" next week but not sure if the fahaka is gonna be moving with them or not - they did try to persuade me to part with £50 to take him home but given the objections i had from the mrs to bringing a 2" juvenile fahaka home and starting a new tank, i think that sneaking an adult and another 125 gallon tank in could be the final straw :D
I've seen Fahaka Puffers in tanks with other fish, its a very risky game though. The Red Tail is over double the size of the Fahaka, that may be the reason its cowering in the corner. Lets just hope the Red Tail doesn't succeed in eating the Fahaka..or its bye bye to both fish. :(
yeah that was what i was kind of wondering - is there any chance that a redtail of that size could get a fahaka in its mouth? or take chunks off it at all? and if the fahaka were to snap how much damage could it realistically do to something thats over twice the length and several times the mass??
fingers crossed that they keep them seperate when they move the cat's then, or someone gives the fahaka a good home.

sir minion - bit o/t here but how long did martha take to outgrow the 240l tank that she was originally in?
fingers crossed that they keep them seperate when they move the cat's then, or someone gives the fahaka a good home. SirMinion - bit o/t here but how long did martha take to outgrow the 240l tank that she was originally in?
Martha went from two inches to 13 inches in 11 months.

Her growth is now very slow but she may still reach 15 to 18 inches eventually.

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