Fading Anemones

shah jahan

New Member
Nov 15, 2009
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Hi again,
My anemones seems to fade its colours from bright vibrant colour into very pale. can someone help please. ( water temperature 25 C,). thanks.
that is bleaching...a sign of an unhealthy anenome. Can we have some more tank specs please. size, ligting water params, type of nem etc.

EDIT: if this is the same tank as your other thread. A newly set up tank then tehres no wonder its suffering! they need to be in mature tanks around a year old!
Are you feeding your anemone? silly question you may think!!!!
But i have 3 in my reef aquarium and i feed them small pieces of
chopped prawn (raw) and also freshfish (raw)
i also add a reef supplement made by Aquasonic specifically designed
for a tank housing invertebrates.
Anenomes have very simple stomachs so can not handle large amounts @
Little and often!
Mine are thriving, 2 are bright green and the other is pink.
If they are not being fed they will slowly shrink to nothing and lose all
their colour.


QLD Australia

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