Fable Perking Up!


Fish Addict
Dec 23, 2005
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Hey my first betta was looking ill a few days ago and i thought it may well be the end,
But he has really started to perk up, Getting his colours brighter and his fins in better shape,
He had a great snack of bloodworm after i had to show him what to do with it (Don't ask!)
P.S, When will he bubble nest- sounds a bit of a stupid question do i need a female with him?
im glad to hear that he is doing well.

you do not need a female for him to build a nest. but if u had a female he would definately build her a nest. some males dont build nests without a female, guess they dont see a point in it :D but they typically build them when they are content. yours sounds like it is a little ill so perhaps he's not feeling up to it.
Maybe he is just clever! :p
Am so glad though he reallylooks happy now,
Thanks to those whom helped me revive him!

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