F8 Puffers Diet


Dec 13, 2009
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Right im planning on getting lots of different foods for my puffers. So far i've got a big selection of frozen foods such as blood worm and daphnia. Im looking at getting them cockles, muscles, prawns.... etc etc. But do i need to prepare them? Should i buy frozen, fresh, in a jar, shelled, deshelled..... ??? :shout: Also, should i leave the live snails in the tank for them to eat whenever they want? Or keep them in a seperate tank and add a couple at meal times.

Hmmm, I typed all this and then realized you said F8 puffer. So sorry.

I'm kind of new to dwarf puffers myself, but since no one else has answered... I feed mine mainly bloodworms. I buy them frozen at the pet store. I cut one cube in half and stick the other half back in the freezer. I have 4 dwarf puffers and this seems to be enough for them. I've had them for about a month and they still seem healthy (I have 4 in a 16 gal tank). Origionally I bought some dried shrimp in a can but they seem to make a huge mess of the water so I rarely use them.

I bought a snail last week that they have truely expressed no interest in. Every day I find it either up in the plants or climbing up the side of the tank. I thought they would devour it as soon as I put it in there. Maybe my puffers are still too young.
hey, you know those tiny snails that often hitch a ride on plants from aquarium to aquarium, well your little puff balls need em to help grimh thier teeth down. Set shop sometimes let you rout around for them :) happy hunting
My DP never seem interested in snails.

I think it's the bigger Puffers that show more interest. A few snails in your F8 tank is prob a good idea.

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