

Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
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So many of you know I bought a pair of red DTs a few months back(Actually just in early december) in hope of breeding them.
But, plans feww off, and nothing happened.
I'm now planning on breeding in early summer.

I also got reminded on how punnet squares work from my science teacher, who nicely agreed to remind me if I used one of my study halls she's show me...so i did.
So now its all good.

I'm going to breed a 100% red male DT, with a red female DTCT cross. (Have you seen piccs of her yet?)

Just though'd I let you know whats up in my betta life.

- Is it healthy for a juvi betta to live off halicary pellets and bloodworms for a few weeks?
Soon as My tripod is fixed I'll be able to use the Macro, then I'll get some great pics ;)
For feeding juvies, i think its best if they get a mixed diet of both frozen/live and dry foods, the live food will definately aid their growth and in the end produce a healthier adult.
I'm not talking about the eventual fry, I'm talking about young adults.
All 4 of my bettas are about 4-5 months old.
I think your right, they are deltas.

I'll have to get piccys on here.
Once my guys are 4 weeks old they are offered granules and frozen foods. I don't always get live foods in for them as I prefer to hatch or grow them myself (so I know they are clean and fresh) and they get bbs and microworms up till 4 weeks. At around 5 months old I do drop them down to one feed a day of mainly granules with the odd frozen treat a couple of times a week.

Would be interested to hear what other peeps regime is :)

Good luck with the spawning when you attempt it in the summer

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