Fish Fanatic
you know what i think i'm gonna give up.
i put so much effort and money into these freaking fish and theres always some kind of problem.
1. ok first, a while back i got all these nice new fake plants and logs and stuff and put them in there so the fishes would be nice and happy. the log FELL OVER while i was not home, crushing two fish to death.
2. i got a real plant, which the pet store guy said would be fine with my low light, but he was wrong and turns out it wasnt even the kind of plant he said it was. it started dying so i had to start leaving the light on a lot and now there is all this damn algae that i have to scrape off like every other day. ( i spent two hours one night cleaning both of the tanks) oh plus the fish eat the plant.
3. my betta fish was all lively and pretty and i loved him but then it got fin rot so i started changing water more vigilantly and bought all this stuff to help fix it but now he wont eat and his fins arent any better.
i dont mind doing a lot of work for these fish, but it seems like every time i try to help them it just screws something else up
i put so much effort and money into these freaking fish and theres always some kind of problem.
1. ok first, a while back i got all these nice new fake plants and logs and stuff and put them in there so the fishes would be nice and happy. the log FELL OVER while i was not home, crushing two fish to death.
2. i got a real plant, which the pet store guy said would be fine with my low light, but he was wrong and turns out it wasnt even the kind of plant he said it was. it started dying so i had to start leaving the light on a lot and now there is all this damn algae that i have to scrape off like every other day. ( i spent two hours one night cleaning both of the tanks) oh plus the fish eat the plant.
3. my betta fish was all lively and pretty and i loved him but then it got fin rot so i started changing water more vigilantly and bought all this stuff to help fix it but now he wont eat and his fins arent any better.
i dont mind doing a lot of work for these fish, but it seems like every time i try to help them it just screws something else up