f this


Fish Fanatic
Aug 27, 2003
Reaction score
North Carolina
you know what i think i'm gonna give up.

i put so much effort and money into these freaking fish and theres always some kind of problem.

1. ok first, a while back i got all these nice new fake plants and logs and stuff and put them in there so the fishes would be nice and happy. the log FELL OVER while i was not home, crushing two fish to death.

2. i got a real plant, which the pet store guy said would be fine with my low light, but he was wrong and turns out it wasnt even the kind of plant he said it was. it started dying so i had to start leaving the light on a lot and now there is all this damn algae that i have to scrape off like every other day. ( i spent two hours one night cleaning both of the tanks) oh plus the fish eat the plant.

3. my betta fish was all lively and pretty and i loved him but then it got fin rot so i started changing water more vigilantly and bought all this stuff to help fix it but now he wont eat and his fins arent any better.

i dont mind doing a lot of work for these fish, but it seems like every time i try to help them it just screws something else up :/
Don't give up like that kaley :-(
Many fishkeepers have many problems like that, including me! These things happen... and well the only thing we can do is fight it till it gets better...
...I had worse problems too...

There was a case of fungus in my tank few months ago and it killed half the population of my 10gal tank...
Two months ago the fungus came back and killed everything in the 10gal exept the 1 swordtail fry...
In my 20gal there was a spread of tetra disease and for a whole weeks I was always picking up dead cardinal tetra...

There are many other problem I had too, but those were a few of the major ones. Please don't give up, mabye some could help. I got a few ideas on that algae problem you have:

1. Buy an algae eater, like some otocinclus. Mine love algae and they got straight to work when I let them in my tank :)
2. In some fish stores you could always get some drops that get rid of algae, you could always ask.

With the plant problem... I had this before... I added two plants to my tank and they both died over the next few weeks. I didn't have a light then and still don't have a proper light :whistle: I say start of with the real hardy plants... Java Moss, Java Fern ect.
...the light I use now is a small lamp that I place on top of my aquarium glass cover, funnily enough my plants are perfectly healthy and love it. I think I'm gonna keep that lamp.

I don't know too much on bettas... mabye you can ask a betta expert because as you can see I'm a guppy expert.
Finrot occurs due to poor water quality, most of the time.

Try adding melafix, or some salt. That should help out. But make sure your fish are salt-resistant.

For the light matter, why dont you get a stronger light. As for algae, get some Amano Shrimp, or Ghost Shrimp.


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