Eye Fungus


Fish Fanatic
Jan 7, 2006
Reaction score
Warroad Minnesota
The other night I noticed that my red betta has a white patch on his eye. I'm pretty sure it is some kind of fungus. Well, anyways, I was wondering what I should do. I put a little salt in the tank not knowing if would help or not. I'm guessing (and hoping) some of you have had this problem so maybe you could help me out. Thanks alot.

Rio had that when I bought him.

I added salt (good job :)) and then got some Wardley's Promethyasul. That stuff is brilliant. But if you can't get it, I hear Jungle Fungus Aid is good. Do 50& water changes every other day.

Hope he recovers quickly. :thumbs:
OKay. I just did a little research and I have come to the conclusion that it is Pop-eye. Anybody have any history with this?
If the eye is protruding then it is popeye. Treat the same as for fungus but popeye is harder to cure, though not usually fatal. Keep his water extra clean and again, good luck. :thumbs:

If the eye is protruding then it is popeye. Treat the same as for fungus but popeye is harder to cure, though not usually fatal. Keep his water extra clean and again, good luck. :thumbs:

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